Routine Eye Examinations
A general or routine eye examination can help you to treat and prevent many eye diseases and eye conditions. Unfortunately, people often neglect their eyes and may not be aware of a host of eye diseases. Just because your eyes are not in pain does not mean that your eyes are healthy. Also, people’s eyes often change very slowly, which can make it hard to detect. Often during a routine eye exam, our patients are surprised how much clearer their vision can be made.
During a routine eye exam, we screen for all of the possible eye conditions and diseases that can effect your vision negatively. Often times these conditions are treatable, reversible or perhaps controllable if detected early during the disease process. Some of these eye conditions include the following:
In general, the earlier a potential problem is diagnosed, the better the prognosis for treatment. Our general or routine eye examinations are exceptionally thorough and are a comprehensive checkup of the entire visual system and overall eye health.
The eye examination allows us to determine what type of vision correction is best suited for each individual patient. Your ability to see clearly at different distances will be tested to determine a proper prescription for glasses and or contact lenses. This includes the measurement of a visual acuity, and a computerized assisted measurement of your refractive error. Your specific visual problems and needs are taken into consideration before the final correction is determined.
Enhanced Eye Examination Technology:
We incorporate technology to assist in the evaluation of spectacle and contact lens prescriptions, peripheral vision, intraocular pressure, and the general health of the eye. This also differentiates us from our competition because many of them do not use enhanced technology. This enhanced technology includes:
- Autorefractor – gives a tentative reading for the final prescription and replaces the less accurate retinoscopy
- Autotonometer– Measures the intraocular pressure (important for Glaucoma detection and monitoring). The automated version for measuring eye pressure is less invasive, painless and faster than the “blue light test”, used by our competition.
- Visual Field Machine – Used to test your peripheral vision. Often serious eye diseases, like glaucoma, effect the peripheral vision before injuring the central or foveal vision. Most of our competition do not have a visual field machine
A thorough eye examination should include a dilation, autorefraction, auto tonometry and the option for checking your peripheral vision via automated perimetry testing.

Have you ever waited for 1.5 hours to get a routine exam done? This will not happen with us because our enhanced automation.When it is so simple to screen, diagnose and treat an eye problem, shouldn’t you take some time to check your vision before it begins to become a problem?
People often ask us, “how often should i get a routine eye exam”? People without any vision complaints are recommended to get examined once per year. Obviously, if you are noticing any other changes in your vision and have complaints or concerns, you should seek eye care immediately.