Online Eye Exam
It is important to note that this is not the same as a full eye exam. This testing is meant to be a free and simple SCREENING for your enjoyment, and should not be used for purposes of treatment recommendations, definitive diagnoses, or a basis for any medical recommendations.
Obviously, if any of the results of the online eye examination are abnormal, you should see an eye doctor immediately. Regardless of your performance on this vision screening, we still recommend that you receive a Routine eye exam at least one time per year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of our eye-care staff members or optometrists today. You can do this with our contact form.
Distance Vision Test
To Perform the online eye examination (distance portion) please use the following Steps:
1. Move 6 feet away from the screen and cover an eye and try to read all of the letters. If you can see all the letters, your vision is likely close to 20/20
2. Now repeat the first step covering the opposite eye.
It is very Important to understand that this test is a General Guide and is not really accurate when compared to the depth of testing that is performed during a routine eye exam. Additionally, results on this test might vary depending on the size of your computer screen. This is test designed for a laptop-sized screen. If you are using a Desk-top screen please move back to 8 feet. This eye test will not work on a mobile device very well.
This online eye examination does not correct your vision and does not test for the TYPE of refractive error. For more information on refractive errors please see our Myopia, Presbyopia, Astigmatism and Hyperopia sections. Each of these pages have illustrations and video’s that explain these types of eye conditions.
Astigmatism Vision Test
This part of the online eye exam tell you if you have a high enough degree of astigmatism that it is seriously effecting your vision. This test is a very broad test, so only moderate to more advanced levels of astigmatism will cause you to notice this test. Please Perform the following Steps
1. At a normal reading distance from the screen, look in the middle of the “clock” below and try to use your peripheral vision to gauge whether certain lines or “spokes: appear to be darker and bolder than others. Please note, you must keep your eyes very still to perform this test. If a line is darker and bolder than others this indicates the need to correct a moderate or high degree of astigmatism.
2. Now repeat the first step covering the opposite eye.
Amsler Grid
Individuals with moderate to severe macular degeneration will tend to notice issues on this test. If you notice any spots missing, waviness in the lines, this indicates a problem within your retina which could be Macular Degeneration. If this occurs, see your eye doctor immediately. To Perform this test please do the following steps:
1. At a normal reading distance from the screen, look in the middle of the “grid” below and try to use your peripheral vision to gauge whether certain lines demonstrate waviness or appear to be warped or missing. appear. Please note, you must keep your eyes very still to perform this test.
2. Now repeat the previous step covering the opposing eye.
Presbyopia Eye Test
This test ASSUMES that you have perfect distance or 20/20 vision. If you are near sighted or myopic this test will not work. This test is for presbyopic patients. Naturally, we recommend a yearly examination of your vision, but if you would like to try to use reading glasses that are sold over the counter try the power indicated in the chart below. Again, this is only a GUIDE, as any refractive error could skew or change the results. We are not responsible for any purchases of eyewear that you might make based on your findings below.
To perform this test please do the following:
1. At a normal reading distance from the screen, try to read each line on the chart. The line that is most comfortably seen while viewing with BOTH eyes together has a diopter value beside it. The Diopter is a suggested power of reading glass that could be used to enhance your near vision.